Friday, February 22, 2008

Bad news

A couple weeks ago I had my periodic PET scan which is a full body scan and lights up any cancerous areas. The doctor called to say they were seeing "something" in my brain and wanted to get a better look at it with an MRI. When my brother remarked that, "We know there's nothing in your brain", I wished for once that he was right! Unfortunately, the second scan showed 4 small lesions (cancer) - the largest measuring one cm. Even at that size it's bigger than I'd like.

The oncologist says radiation is the standard treatment but I've decided not to go with that option for now. I hate the idea of having my brain radiated and the side effects have the potential to severely decrease my quality of life. The other option that was offered was the combination of 2 oral drugs - Xeloda & Tykerb. Xeloda is a chemo drug which I'm currently on but is giving me horrible side, itchy, blotchy, swollen, painful rash on my face, head, hands and feet. I'm trying to live with this but it has at times been difficult to grasp anything with my hands and painful to stand or walk. So I'm not sure whether I can continue taking it. This is frustrating since it dwindles my medical options.

The doctor refused to give me a prognosis. He says with new drugs coming out all the time, no one can say for sure how long a person is likely to keep going. I have chosen to continue to be hopeful and live my life as fully as possible. The good news is that I feel perfectly fine (other than drug side effects). No headaches, dizziness or vision problems for now.

I'd appreciate your prayers for my family - esp. my girls as this is most difficult for them. Thankfully, I'm not feeling too anxious, depressed or scared. Surprisingly, it's usually the opposite - cheerful and upbeat. Not that I don't have my moments but obviously I'm being lifted above the circumstances through people's prayers. Thank you.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

New chemo drug regimen

Two weeks ago my oncologist agreed with me that the IV chemo therapy I was on didn't seem to be working as we had hoped. I continue to have a breast tumor that doesn't seem very responsive to the chemo we were using. In light of that he switched me to an oral chemo drug (Xeloda) and ordered a PET scan to see what the progress has been so far. I've been on Xeloda before but was unable to continue it due to a severe itching / red rash it gives me on my face. However, we decided to try it again but added an allergy med along with it to try and combat that problem. I've already been through a one week on, one week off cycle and the first week ON was fine, but the week OFF was quite itchy and miserable. I've just now started the second cycle and am ON so will see how this goes. This time I will continue the allergy med even on the week OFF and see if I do any better. I really want to be on this medication because it has been shown to be fairly effective on my type of cancer, it's less harsh on my system and doesn't cause hair loss. It's also nice to be able to take it at home without the hassle of being hooked up to IVs for hours at a time.